Wednesday, December 24, 2008
of course together with the nazarenians
1st day
november 8, 2008
the 1st topic was about God's Love, and the second was about salvation. ok i admit i was bored. hm. semi-bored? because i still i learned something. like the meaning of the old and new heart.
old heart
H- hatred
E- envy
A- anger
R- resentment
T- timidity
new heart
H- happiness
E- enthusiasm
A- availability
R- responsibility
T- trustworthiness
i guess i was really bored because my seatmates were bored to death also. haha. when we were supposed to dance (even though i want to) we didn't. argh! at the end of the first day Gizelle Sanchez was there for a short sharing :) was her name spelled right?
at the end of the 1st day also. all were ahm? having illness (let's just put it that way) :)) many were rushing to go to the bathroom. woa?:)) all suspected that its because of the food. so because of that our bus stopped at a gasoline station first. we waited and waited because there's only one bathroom :))
when we finally got back to our dear school the other sections weren't there yet! they stopped big time also!:))
because of the sickness we all got. we all went straight home that night.
when i got home i told my father, brother, sister, and tita rosie the whole story. they were all thinking of not letting me attend the second day. but of course i wont let them :)) i know its boring but i also know i'll miss a lot. so that night i decided to attend the second day of the seminar :)
2nd day
November 9, 2008
i was ready to go to school already, that was 5:45 i think when my bestfriend texted me, she asked if i'll attend, i answered yes and i waited for her to reply but she didn't.
i got to school that morning we were. well very few :)) 77 were absent. when we got to NCS 5 of them were absent. our dear school president Msgr. Gerry explained that its impossible that the cause of the illness was the food because he checked it. "its the work of the devil" he added. we then prayed for the students who failed to attend. after that went through the seminar proper.
the second day was very VERY different i really REALLY had fun!:) yey!:) there were many animation songs we all enjoyed even the teachers. we all danced, sang. its really fun :)) but sadly we have no pictures YET.
the day was also full of sad emotions. i think i cried 3 times that day or 4?:)) i really learned a lot about God and family.
we had a baptism with the Holy Spirit so now the Holy Spirit will also be with us :) i can't explain the feeling its so.....i feel so contented.
when it was getting dark i was getting sad. because i don't want the day to end! i was wishing then to have LSS every week :))
we had our graduation. we were given a candle, salt and dove pin as signs that we are LSS graduates.
i really wont EVER forget this day. this day has really been memorable to me.
i love november 9, 2008 :)) hahaha.
thanks of course to our dear president MSGR. GERARDO O. SANTOS for this :)
Thursday, October 30, 2008
after that we took group pictures. a lot of group pictures.:))) then we went back to school already. we answered something i forgot what.:))) then we ate at KFC. its all club bonding then.:)))
correctional institution for women, mandaluyong

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


when we got there. we went to a basketball court to do warm ups.:))) then we went to a tent like something.:)) (going there is already a big thing, it was sooo i mean sooo hard) but bigger. we rest there till we were complete. kuya emman one of the team facilitator asked us to take off our footwears which really shocked me?!:))) woa?!:)) but i have no choice but to follow. we went to the husgado cave. which I found hard to go through but FUN.:)) hahaha.when i first saw what paola did just to get inside i really got scared. i admit.:)) its really hard.:))) its very hmmm masikip!:))) hahaha.:)) but proudly I got through without any scratch at all.:))) im so thankful tlga.I promise.;) of course I prayed before going there for the safety of myself and my classmates.^^ after that its kalbaryo time!:))) its a two hour walk to the top of the mountain. or volcano?!:)) because kuya Ran said MT. BANAHAW is an inactive volcano.hehehe.:))) it was optional because its really hard to do plus with the heat of the sun. so not all joined. but of course I DID!;))) after the first 15mins of i got tired!:)) there's NO rest time!: what the.: but whateever.hehehe.its fun naman.:))) we got on top of MT. BANAHAW.yey!Ü i was soo happy that time.its really an achievement right?:)
we also ate there on top of the mountain.^^ its really really fun.:) after that we rested for a little while then we went back down.^^ we rested AGAIN at the tent like something.:) and told our classmates who didn't joined what its like up there.:) it was so coold. and you really can feel the FRESH air.^^ (and yah before i forget MT. BANAHAW is beside MT. CRISTOBAL considered the DEVIL'S MOUNTAIN) that mountain looked really scary beacause of the fog surrounding it.hahahaha.:)) and the color is really dark.hehehe.^^ after our rest.we went to the river.^^ i really loved that river because its coold unlike the rivers in makiling and biak na bato.:)) and its also deep.but not too deep.just enough.^^ we enjoyed the river for 30mins.;)
we were real noisy which is not allowed because the mountain is sacred. so im really sorry.;) its maybe because of all the things we've gone through there we were like relieved there at the river. i dont know.hahaha.:)) its just really fun there. we played games pa nga.:))) customized games.hahaha.:))) then after that we went back.well i thought back to the bus.but just back to the flat grounds.:))) we went to their church. theirs and ours are really different.^^ then after that yey!Ü we went back to the bus.^^ we dressed up gawd.its sooo hard.:))) hehehehehe.but we have no choice nanaman.^^ i got dressed and so are they. we all just sat down and rest. its really a tiring day. kuya emman let us watched a very special love.:))) which i thought is fun to watch because of sarah and john lloyd.^^ and really it was.we were all interested.hahahaha.:)) especially when john lloyd is on the screen.i know i know its kinda?:)) but whateever dude.:))) after that we were allplaying whatveer stuffs. jaja and fatima played imbestigador which is really REALLY funny.:))) hahaha.:)) then after that we all just rested.:) then we got home at last.^^
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
SEPTEMBER 16, 2008